Real Food Festival 2011: Avlaki Olive Oil

I attended the Real Food Festival this month (as I have done since it begun). And as always happens there is more there I want to buy than my bags will allow. This year I also took my camera. I want to highlight a few of the products I did successfully capture. The first is Avlaki olive oil. The oils are single estate, organic, unfiltered and from the 2010/11 harvest. The estates are located on the Greek island of Lesvos and owned by Natalie Wheen and Deborah MacMillan. There were two oils that caught my attention: the first from the Agatherí groves, at 600m above sea level (‘mountain oil’) and the second from the Avlaki groves, just above sea level. I opted for a bottle of the Agatherí estate oil (but would have bought both if I had had a donkey to assist with the carrying). It’s a lovely, peppery but very light olive oil. By way of example, I drizzled some over a tomato, mozzarella and herb salad.

Natalie Wheen and Deborah MacMillan of Avlaki Olive Oils
Avlaki Olive Oils at the Real Food Festival 2011
Tomato, mozzarella and herb salad with Avlaki olive oil
Tomato, mozzarella and herb salad with Avlaki olive oil
Detail from tomato, mozzarella and herb salad
Detail from tomato, mozzarella and herb salad

The salad is very simply to prepare. I found a good selection of tomato varieties at one of the two fruit and vegetable stalls in Oxford’ Covered Market; sliced them; sprinkled with sea salt; added slices of Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP purchased from the Oxford Cheese Shop (just opposite the vegetable stall); sprinkled with roughly chopped or torn fresh herbs from the garden (parsley, oregano, chives), and drizzled with the Avlaki olive oil.